Code of Behaviour

We have high expectations for behaviour at Swillington Primary School.

We believe that strong behaviour routines should be taught explicitly as these underpin all learning. We use a range of strategies to refresh/remind and re-teach children the strategies after every holiday period.

Our aim is to encourage an atmosphere which gives positive messages about our attitude and values in order to establish and maintain acceptable standards of behaviour and discipline. This means helping children to establish self discipline and to see the need to be orderly, considerate, polite and respectful to others, and to be honest.

Children are encouraged to consider the consequences of their actions, to understand that rights and responsibilities go hand-in-hand, and to make the right choices about how they behave. Much emphasis is placed on helping and co-operating with each other. Older pupils are expected to encourage and support the younger children, and to set a good example by their own behaviour.

All adults are expected to provide good role models for children.

Young children need support and a good example from home and school while they learn how to manage themselves. Positive attitudes such as the fostering of self-esteem will be encouraged at all times. It is important that home and school work together to achieve our aims. Every school needs to have some rules and to make sure that they are followed if children are to be safe and have good opportunities for learning.


  • Be Ready
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Safe

Most discipline problems are dealt with by the class teacher. If a problem with behaviour persists, or is a concern to the class teacher, parents will be contacted and asked to discuss it initially with the class teacher and, ultimately, with the Headteacher.

Some behaviour difficulties may arise during playtime, as children are learning how to socialise, resolve conflict and control their behaviour. Teaching and support staff deal with such issues during morning and afternoon playtimes, while the mid-day supervisory staff deal with them at lunchtime, in liaison with the teachers and head teacher. If you have a concern about something which your child tells you has happened during the lunchtime period, you should raise this directly with the head teacher, not with the teaching staff, or mid-day supervisory staff.

The school has a Behaviour Policy, which is regularly reviewed. You may request a copy of this policy. On joining the school, parents, children and the school enter into a Home/School Agreement which sets out our expectations.

Sometimes it is necessary to exclude a pupil from school. This is a decision which is never taken lightly as we aim to include all pupils in school. However, the usual strategies which the school employs to manage difficult behaviour do not always work for some pupils and a fixed-term or permanent exclusion may be considered. The school has expectations of acceptable standards of behaviour from all the adults in school. We expect all adults involved in school life (teaching and non-teaching staff, parents and visitors) to set a good example to children.

We welcome all visitors to our school. We will act to ensure it remains a safe place for pupils, staff and other members of our community. If you threaten or assault anyone in the school, or persist in abusive behaviour, you will be removed from the premises and may be prosecuted. Any act of violence, aggression or bullying towards a member of staff will be reported to the Local Authority.

Our Anti-Bullying Policy should be read in conjunction with our Behaviour Policy. We actively promote the prevention of bullying and will not tolerate any of the forms it may take.

The Brigshaw Learning Partnership schools have agreed joint Behaviour, Anti-Bullying and Child Protection policies which you can download on our Policies and Procedures page or ask the School Office for a copy.

Here you will find some great clips to help support at home

Dates for your diary


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School closures

Monday, January 6, 2025

Training Day

School closed to pupils

Friday, March 14, 2025

Training Day

School closed to pupils

Monday, April 21, 2025

Bank Holiday

Easter Monday

Monday, May 5, 2025

Bank Holiday

May Day

Friday, June 27, 2025

Training Day

School closed to pupils

Term dates 2024-25

Holiday Dates

Term Dates

Autumn Term 1

Monday 2nd Sept to Friday 25th Oct

Autumn Term 2

Spring Term 1

Monday 24th Feb to Thursday 4th Apr

Monday 6th Jan to Friday 14th Feb

Monday 4th Nov to Friday 20th Dec

Tuesday 22nd Apr to Friday 23rd May

Spring Term 2

Christmas Holidays

Monday 23rd Dec to Friday 3rd Jan

Half Term

Monday 28th Oct to Friday 1st Nov

Half Term

Monday 17th Feb to Friday 21st Feb

Summer Term 1

Easter Holidays

Monday 7th Apr to Monday 21st Apr

Summer Term 2

Half Term

Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May

Summer Holidays

Monday 21st Jul to Friday 29th Aug

Monday 2nd June to Friday 18th Jul