Team wellbeing and workload


Live marking, peer and self marking and verbal feedback encouraged where possible.

CPD bespoke and never a tick box exercise  

Staff meetings are relevant and as brief as possible.

Subject leadership time two afternoons per half term

Where possible, PPA is with a partner class.

Staff wellbeing

A culture of positive praise, respect and recognition for each other.

Free hot lunch


Dojo downtime. Parents are reminded that they will not be responded to on evenings and weekends.

SLT open door policy: anytime, anything.

Staff social events outside of school.

Weekly thank yous and shout outs

Take Time Tuesday

There is no expectation to stay late. Work in a way that suits you and your family.

PPA can be taken from home

Thank you breakfasts, lunches and treats.

Attendance gift cards

Staff raffle

One staff meeting per half term focussed on well-being.

Useful Documents

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