Turtle Class

Turtle Class

Helpful information for parents

P.E is on Thursday - please send your child to school wearing their P.E kit (navy shorts or joggers, a plain white or jade green t-shirt and trainers that your child can tie/strap up themselves).

Swimming is on Friday - please send your child to school wearing their swimming kit underneath their uniform as well as with a towel, goggles, spare underwear and a snack.

Homework books are handed in every Monday. Click here to see this half term's homework grid.
TTRS, Numbots, Lexia & Purple Mash log ins can all be found on the front page of homework books.

Spelling tests are every Monday. Click here to see this half term's spellings.

Pupil Survey- https://forms.gle/aXyzse6kpKcJaNci6

How parents can help at home

Hello and welcome to Turtle Class!

Turtle class is home to Year 6. Turtles are located in the Southern hemisphere (of our school and the world). Turtles are strong, determined and resilient - traits we strive for in the classroom.

What we're learning

Click here to see our class newsletter outlining our learning this half term.
Please also check the Class Dojo page for regular updates on what's happening in our classroom.

Adults in our class

Class Lead

Mrs O'Brien

Support staff

Mrs Kitchingman

Mrs Parrish

Our class rules and rewards

Our 3 school rules are:

Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself

Follow instructions

Use positive language

The class rewards include: whole class reward time, certificates home, star achiever of the week, special mentions in assembly, phone call/ Dojo message to parents and visiting Mr Cahill for a Headteacher's sticker.

Report a problem online to school staff. https://forms.gle/ZS1d5ibSMCTnXf9h6