PE for Tigers is Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure your child comes into school wearing their PE kit on this day. It is important that your child does not come to school wearing jewellery or earrings on this day as they will not be able to participate.
Reading books and homework books are requested to be in school on Wednesday so they can be checked and changed. Please ensure you read with your child at home and leave a comment/signature in their reading record. They will be handed out on Friday. Children have got logins for Numbots to access at home.
There are many ways you can support your child at home. Here are some suggestions about how you could help:
You may find some of these websites useful to support your child:
Tiger class consists of Year 1 pupils. Tigers live in the Northern hemisphere. In Tiger class, we are; brave, independent, friendly and caring towards our friends. In Tiger class, we enjoy working and learning together as one big family. We all have a growth mindset, are active learners and are always eager to try new things.
As well as following our school rules, Tiger class have a set of class rules which we expect all children to follow. These include:
The class rewards include: whole class reward time, certificates home, star achiever of the week, special mentions in assembly, phone call/ Dojo message to parents and visiting Mr Cahill for headteachers sticker.