Lion Class

Lion Class

Helpful information for parents

Hello and welcome to Lions!

We are a Year 5 class. We can be found in the Southern Hemisphere (of the world and of our school!). In our classroom, we try to imitate some of the noble characteristics of a Lion.

We try to:

  • Be brave by facing challenges head-on but asking for help if we need it.
  • Learn from our mistakes
  • Show loyalty to our friends
  • Have respect for all living things
  • Show strength by controlling our emotions and reactions

How parents can help at home

There are many ways you can support your child at home. Here are some suggestions about how you could help:

  • Encourage your child to talk about what they have learnt at school. You could ask them:

What was your word of the day today?

What spelling rule are your learning this week?

What happened in your story today?

What is your target times table?

  • Link learning to real life experiences - encourage them to write shopping lists, read signs around the environment, count out money, talk about what you see when you're out walking, etc.
  • Encourage your child to practise and learn their spellings – discuss spelling patterns or rules.
  • Learn and practise times table facts and the correlating division facts.
  • Learn and practise addition facts and the correlating subtraction facts.
  • Listen to your child read, read to them and read with them. Chat about books together. Please see the document below on "Promoting Reading for Pleasure at home".

You may find some of these websites useful to support your child:

Report a problem online to school staff.

X Tables Practice

Hello and welcome to Lions!

We are a Year 5 class. We can be found in the Southern Hemisphere (of the world and of our school!). In our classroom, we try to imitate some of the noble characteristics of a Lion.

We try to:

  • Be brave by facing challenges head-on but asking for help if we need it.
  • Learn from our mistakes
  • Show loyalty to our friends
  • Have respect for all living things
  • Show strength by controlling our emotions and reactions

What we're learning

Adults in our class

Class Lead

Miss Bradley

Support staff

Miss Espley

Mrs Hoult

Our class rules and rewards

PE is on a Wednesday and  Please ensure your child comes into school wearing their PE kit on these days.

Homework books are requested to be in school on a** Wednesday** so they can be checked and given back on Friday for the weekend.

The children have log ins for Ed Shed, TTRS and Numbots which all count as points on their homework grid. Please speak to Miss Garside if you can't log into any of these sites.

Our spelling tests are on a Friday.

This Term lions are learning about:

  • Asia in Geography
  • Properties of materials in Science
  • We are reading 'The house with chicken legs' in Reading. 
  • We are imitating, innovating and writing a 'losing tale' in English.
  • We are learning multiplication, division and fractions in Maths.
  • Directions and places in Spanish. 
  • We are creating pop up books in DT. 
  • In History we are learning about the Vikings.